Information about Copying Content into your FA 08 Blackboard Course Shell(s) and Automatic Student Enrollments in your FA 08 Bb Courses . . .
Before every new semester begins, our NOVA Blackboard administrator, Michelle Gee (, creates Blackboard course shells for each course listed in the Schedule of Classes and associates each with the appropriate faculty member who will be teaching that course, if the faculty member has been designated. All of the Bb course shells for FA 08 have been created.
Now is the time for you to copy your old course content into your FA 08 Bb course shell(s) if you need that content. A video for how to copy course content from one Bb course to another can be found at
Other important information:
1. Our NOVA Blackboard administrator continues to batch enroll your students into your Blackboard FA 08 courses.
2. The initial enrolllment of students begins on Aug 19 and continues every two days until classes begin. The first two weeks of classes student enrollments are processed daily. After that point, students are processed every other day.
3. Remember that even after your students are enrolled, you must make your FA 08 Bb7 course “Available.” Enrolled students will not be able to participate in your courses until you make them “available.”
4. To make a Bb FA 08 course available, go to the Control Panel > Course Options > Settings > Course Availability > Set Availability
5. After you log into Blackboard, if you do not see your Blackboard course shells on the opening page, then contact Michelle Gee (, so she can associate that course with your name.
From time to time, the VCCS may have to make some updates to the new Bb7 servers. Please remember that if you cannot get into Blackboard, close your browser and open the browser again, retype the URL, and click enter.
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